Winter News

We have just what you need to stay comfortable this winter!

Several things can cause dry feet during the winter months. Increased time inside, sweat from boots that evaporates the moisture, and just plain trying to stay warm can lead to problems. In addition, patients with Diabetes can also have neuropathy leading to decreased sweat gland production. Diabetics with dry skin can have the risks of cracks and infections. When calluses start to crack, it can cause pain around the heel and forefoot. You can prevent these problems by using hydrating products like those we offer at our office. For those thick callused areas, we have Kerasal Ointment available. Vanicream Skin Cream is best for everyday use and Kerasal Pumice aides in the removal of dead skin and opening of pores. These products as well as Vanicream cleaner are available at the front desk. I have found these to be the best products for Podiatric use, and I am glad we canprovide them to you at our office.
Stay Warm, Dr. Panetta